
Notion Templates

  • Journal Template

    A Notion template for journaling, daily notes, or other timely matters. Features an “on this day” feature.

Apple Shortcuts

  • Daily Examen

    A Markdown-based Shortcut for iOS and Mac that steps you through the Daily Examen practice.
  • Lectio Divina

    A Markdown-based Shortcut for iOS and Mac that steps you through the Lectio Divina meditation based on the technique outlined from the C.S. Lewis Foundation.

Apple Shortcut Engines

  • _variable_parser

    A simple text find-and-replace parser that pairs well with Markdown editors.
  • Play Album From NFC

    Takes in an album name and then plays a matching iTunes song on Apple Music on the speakers you choose.

WordPress Themes

  • Inkling

    Inkling is a theme for WordPress that is inspired by the UI and aesthetic of Notion, featuring light and dark mode styles, templates for sans-serif, serif, and mono fonts, and a range of familiar colors.